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The Father Heart

April 1st, 2017

The Father Heart

This Blog is dedicated to my kind, sweet Father who has been there for me through thick and thin, my entire life. I want to honor him with this Blog and call attention to what a great man he is. He's a strong, smart and loving man. He created a wonderful life for my Mom and family.

He worked hard his whole life and didn't retire until he was 85! He taught us about the important things in life. He was a devoted husband and is still devoted to me and my siblings. Dad was involved in local politics and once ran for Mayor of the borough we lived in when I was in grade school. I helped to campaign for him. He worked six days a week for decades and when not at work, he was home with us. He had a huge wall full of tools and was a good handyman for just about anything. I have great memories of my growing up years.

When my Mom became ill, Dad stood by her at all times. There was never a time he wanted to send her off and have her live elsewhere from him. He wanted to keep a watchful eye on her and look after her, just like always. My parents had a strong, loving marriage for 65 years and were a shining example of devotion and commitment to each other.

I have deep admiration for my Dad. Along with his strong work ethic, his devotion to his family showed me what it was like to have a healthy family life.

My Dad accompanied my Mom to her doctor appointments with me. He monitored her meds and went to great lengths to research the pharmaceuticals being prescribed, questioning everything, managed his Caregiver crew along with me and did everything under the sun and within his power to give my Mother the best care possible.

My parents have been my best cheerleaders, always believing in me, always encouraging me, always loving me unconditionally. They taught me to believe in myself, reach for the stars, never ever give up and that dreams do come true.

One of the main reasons I wanted to write about Dad is this: so much energy, time and focus was devoted to my Mom the last several years, when she was ill. Not that he got lost in the shuffle or ever complained that we need to dote on him. It was natural for us to rally around Mom and of course when we visited her, he was right there too. Much of our conversations at that time revolved around my Mother and most of our focus was on her.

My Dad is one of my best friends, a great confidante, advisor, mentor, and teacher. He is also the Chief Editor for my Blog!

If your Dad is no longer with you, I hope you have some good memories which warm your heart. And if not a Dad, a man in your life who made you feel special and loved.

May we always remember the good times <3

Best Wishes,
Carole Brecht